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Iso 14617 Pdfl

ISO 14617-1:2005 serves as an introduction to all the other parts of ISO 14617. In particular, it gives information on the creation and use of registration numbers for identifying graphical symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of these symbols, and examples of their use and application. It includes three indexes: an alphabetic index and an index of registration numbers -- both concerned uniquely with ISO 14617-2 to ISO 14617-12 -- and an index of cross-references to related items found in other International Standards.

For an overview of ISO 14617, information on the creation and use of registration numbers for identifying graphical symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of these symbols, and examples of their use and application, see ISO 14617-1.

Iso 14617 Pdfl

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elementsof this part of ISO 14617 may be the subject of patent rights. ISOshall not be held responsible for identifying any or all suchpatent rights.

The purpose of ISO 14617 in its final form is the creation of alibrary of harmonized graphical symbols for diagrams used intechnical applications. This work has been, and will be, performedin close cooperation between ISO and IEC. The ultimate result isintended to be published as a standard common to ISO and IEC, whichtheir technical committees responsible for specific applicationfields can use in preparing International Standards andmanuals.

This part of ISO 14617 specifies graphical symbols formeasurement and control functions in diagrams, with the samesymbols in simple applications possibly representing insteadcomponents or devices implementing such functions. For graphicalsymbols for measurement and control components and devices, see ISO14617-5.

For an overview of ISO 14617, information on the creation anduse of registration numbers for identifying graphical symbols usedin diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of thesesymbols, and examples of their use and application, see ISO14617-1.

The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this partof ISO 14617. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, orrevisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However,parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 14617 areencouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Forundated references, the latest edition of the normative documentreferred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers ofcurrently valid International Standards.

NOTE Symbols for other general functions are to be found in ISO14617-2. However, in order to facilitate the use of this part ofISO 14617, some of the symbols are also shown here. For theconstruction of mathematical expressions, see ISO 31-11. 2ff7e9595c

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